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Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Scenic Design
Arizona Broadway Theatre
Director: Anthony Daniel
Costumes: Ryan Park
Lighting: Pamela Kupper
Media: Brian Staton

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Rendering 0-Overture 11.16.23

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Rendering 1-The Candy Man 11.16.23

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Rendering 2-Willy Wonka! Willy Wonka! 11.16.23

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Rendering 4-A Letter from Charlie Bucket 11.16.23

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Rendering 5-More of Him to Love 11.28.23

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Rendering 6-When Veruca Says 11.28.23

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Rendering 6b-News of Violet 11.16.23

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Rendering 7-The Queen of Pop 11.28.23

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Rendering 8-That Little Man of Mine 11.28.23

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Rendering 9a-Stay Safe Out There 11.16.23

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Rendering 10-I’ve Got a Golden Ticket 11.16.23

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Rendering 11-Red Carpet 11.16.23

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Rendering 12-It Must Be Believed To Be Seen 11.16.23

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Rendering 14-Strike That Reverse It 11.16.23

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Rendering 15-Pure Imagination 11.28.23

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Rendering 16-Auf Weidersehen Augustus 11.28.23

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Rendering 16d-Blueberry Pie 11.16.23

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Rendering 17-When Willy Met Oompa 11.16.23

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Rendering 17c-The Invisible Corridor 11.16.23

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Rendering 18-Veruca’s Nutcracker- Sweet! 11.16.23

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Rendering 18a-S.S. Wonka a 11.16.23

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Rendering 18a-S.S. Wonka b 11.16.23

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Rendering 18b-Match Game 11.16.23

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Rendering 19b-The Imagining Room 11.28.23

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Rendering 20-The View From Here 11.28.23
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